Starlight Palace Casino

  My experience of traveling on cruise ships began with Tallink Silja, which has its own fleet on the Baltic Sea.  I needed to get from Sweden to Estonia.  The way on the ship, as it seemed to me, was the shortest, easiest and most interesting.  And on the cruise liner Romantica, cruising between the two capitals, there was a casino.  And due to playing blackjack, I was able not only to justify my journey, but also to take a few chips for the collection.

  It was a short but memorable cruise.  Romantica departed from Stockholm in the evening, and arrived to Tallinn the next morning.  Only 16 hours on the way  And during this time, passengers were going to get drunk and party hard.  The liner was a sort of tavern with cheap drinks in neutral waters.  Due to my lack of cravings for alcohol, I, after placing in my small but comfortable cabin, went to search for a casino.

  Starlight Palace Casino disappointed me.  I expected to see a bustling Las Vegas-style park casino.  It turned out that all this was just two ragged tables with cheap games and terrible rules.  Roulette number paid 30 to 1!  I did not know that such a thing could exist in principle!  Also on card games, house edge was about 10%.  But I needed chips for the collection, and, as it turned out, on r a non-drinker on Romantica had nothing to do but sit in the casino.

  I think I played at Starlight Palace Casino for about two hours.  All this time I was very unhappy.  But, praise to Goddess Fortune, I won.  The stakes were very small – something around 5 euros., and I managed to win about 200 euros and take some more chips for the collection.  These were not exactly those chips that you want to have in the collection.  I think that they were previously used in another casino.  As often happens – after the closure of a large project, its equipment (and the chips are part of the equipment) migrates to such losers as Starlight Palace Casino.  But I have nothing to complain about, because I won that night and got an interesting experience.  And also took an extra step towards getting rid of unnecessary expectations 😉

  Here is the example of chips used at Starlight Palace Casino:

Starlight Palace Casino

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